Green Leather Sandals Premium Distributor

Manufacturers produce green leather sandals from the best genuine leather, these products are mainly distributed in different cities of Iran. These sandals are distributed in different designs and colors for sale in the major market at reasonable prices. Customers can buy different types of these comfortable and light sandals in the most beautiful and latest designs and colors, at special and cheap prices through this site.

Green Leather Sandals Premium Distributor

Unique Characteristics of Leather Sandals May Surprise You

Unique Characteristics of Leather Sandals May Surprise You

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Leather sandals have unique features, including:

  • Comfort: When we talk about comfort, we want to say that any factor or characteristic of the sandal that makes it take good care of the feet when used and does not cause any problems. Having such a shoe makes a person feel more comfortable, so that he will enjoy wearing his shoes during hot summer days.
  • Weights: A good sandal as a women’s shoe should have the least possible weight. In fact, leather sandal is typically lightweight because they have the lowest level of coverage and consist of only a few straps and straps.
  • Flexibility: The sandals must be designed exactly in line with the physique of the foot. In fact, every time you walk, the sandals should form well with the shape of the foot.
  • Function: The performance of the sandals can be examined, which means that the shoe should be soft, comfortable and flexible. In fact, the function of good sandals is to support the arch of the foot, the bandwidth, and the lack of skin sensitivity.
  • Appearance: The beauty and elegance of sandals is directly related to the attractive appearance of women. Many women and girls go for the latest models of women’s sandals to set their shoes with the type of clothing they wear. The type of sandals is also important in this case.
  • Slip: If the sole of the foot gets wet due to sweating, it is possible for the foot to slip inside the sandal. A good sandal should absorb moisture well and prevent the foot from slipping.
  • Durability: It is obvious that good sandals should be able to work well for several years. In the meantime, chairs made of natural leather will work for years, even with daily use and even when walking on rough terrain.
  • Size: If the sandals are too big, you have to fold your legs while walking, on the contrary, if the size of the sandals is small, you will have to stretch your legs. Tight sandals cause double pressure on the foot and large sandals cause the foot to slip inside the shoe.

The Best Price of Casual Leather Sandals at the Market

The Best Price of Casual Leather Sandals at the Market

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Wholesale centers with distribution of leather sandals, offer different types of these products in various colors at reasonable prices. Some buyers buy soft leather sandals for export to other countries, and the price of women sandals in reputable centers will surely be more affordable than personal sellers. The price of leather shoes depends on factors such as the quality of the leather, production costs, wages of its production workers, maintenance and sales costs, and so on.

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